
(413) 245-1264


Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday 8:30 am-4:00 pm. Closed Holiday Weekends.

Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 RESULTS

Backyard Wildlife – All About Opossums

Join Bill and Pam Lefferts of Ferncroft Wildlife Rescue for an overview of wildlife rehabilitation and the role of rehabbers with a focus on opossums and their rescue efforts with them, supporting wildlife during the winter, preparing emergency roadside kits, turning your property into a sanctuary, learning more about becoming a rehabber or a wildlife volunteer. Ambassador opossums will be in attendance for a meet and greet!

Norcross Wildlife Foundation News

 Rare Species Require Rare Habitats. What Can You Do? 

 Rare Species Require Rare Habitats. What Can You Do?    Did you know that roughly half of the endangered terrestrial species in our region make their homes in fire-adapted ecosystems; …