
(413) 245-1264


Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday 8:30 am-4:00 pm. Closed Holiday Weekends.

Mission Statement

The Norcross Wildlife Foundation preserves and manages ecologically significant habitats that sustain and enhance biodiversity and wildlife populations in our region. We support an increased understanding of and respect for the natural world through environmental education, science, and community-sourced knowledge. We achieve our mission through our work on the NWF sanctuary, regional partnerships, and our support of new ideas and leaders in the conservation field.


Norcross Wildlife Foundation envisions a world where nature and communities thrive in a diverse, interconnected, and sustainable manner.

  • We envision a world in which biodiverse, natural ecosystems are resilient in the face of climate change.
  • We envision the work of a conservation field that respects and embraces the full extent of knowledge that can advance the field’s impact and amplifies all voices – especially those of frontline communities.
  • We envision a region where community leaders and the public share our belief in the possibility of positive change.

What We Do

The Norcross Wildlife Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)3 private-operating foundation, created in 1964 by Arthur D. Norcross with the express mission of protecting wildlife at the “Tupper Hill” Sanctuary he created in Wales, Massachusetts, and to support wildlife conservation efforts and education in general.

The work of the Foundation is defined by our mission, with a current emphasis on:

  • Sustaining, improving, and protecting wildlife habitat on the 8,238 acres of land owned and maintained as “wildlife sanctuary” by the Foundation.
  • Propagating and maintaining populations of threatened, endangered and habitat-critical native plants.
  • Providing access to Sanctuary lands through our public trail system and through scheduled programs.
  • Providing education programs and other activities for school, youth, and other groups.
  • Protecting land in the eco-region of the Sanctuary by providing no-interest loans to qualified organizations to permanently protect land containing important wildlife habitat.
  • Working with partners in the eco-region to carry-out Norcross’s mission, leveraging their expertise and resources with ours. 
  • Allowing suitable research on wildlife, habitat, and ecological processes on Sanctuary property.

In managing the Foundation’s “wildlife sanctuary” lands we emphasize the importance of protecting, enhancing, and building natural habitats that support the greatest diversity of wildlife in all its forms appropriate to this specific eco-region. We are guided by the specific characteristics of the land and historic ecology itself, keeping in mind the impacts of climate change. We utilize current science and best practices to manage Sanctuary lands in a sustainable and cost-effective manner.

Our work is funded through an endowment created by Arthur D. Norcross, which is overseen by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. We have a staff of 8 full-time employees, along with seasonal employees and interns. 

We are not a wildlife rescue or rehabilitation facility.

We no longer offer a conservation grant program.