The Town of Wales is in the process of developing their first Open Space and Recreation Plan! As part of this effort, the Wales Master Plan Implementation Committee (MPIC) is working with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) and have developed a questionnaire to enable the public to provide valuable input about their park and open space use and preferences. The MPIC will use input from the following survey, along with information gathered from a Community Visioning Workshop, to draft a 7-year action plan to manage, enhance, and protect Wales’ open space and its natural and man-made recreational resources. The Town needs this input to build its open space and recreation plan, a document required to qualify for state and federal funding and expansion projects.
The Wales Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) will direct open space enhancements and recreational activities for the residents of Wales. The OSRP will look at all public open space, regardless of ownership, including parks, playgrounds, wildlife corridors, bikeways, trails, and water resources; in addition to recreational programming. The Plan considers demographic and socio‐economic trends which impact the use of open space.
If you cannot make use of an internet‐capable computer, tablet, or mobile device, PAPER copies of the questionnaire are available at the Wales Town Hall, Wales Public Library, Wales Post Office, and the Wales Senior Center. Each location will have a drop box to submit the completed survey. Feel free to share this information with the interested parties. Your opinion is important. Town staff and officials encourage participation, look forward to better understanding citizen’s needs, and want to thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey.
Wales Parks and Open Space Make Life Better!
Residents of Wales are also invited to attend the Community Visioning Workshop for the Open Space and Recreation Plan
The event begins at 10:00 am on March 9, 2024 in the Wales Elementary School Cafeteria. PVPC Planner Angela Panaccione will begin with a discussion about Open Space and Recreation Planning, then residents will have the chance to participate in small group discussions.