
(413) 245-1264


Opening Hours

Closed for the season.

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Queer Plant Convergence is an annual weekend gathering which seeks to bring together members of the regional LGBTQIA+ community who have a shared interest in wild plants and the environment. We welcome you whether you are newly plant-curious, wanting to start a career with plants, a passionate long-time plant lover, or a plant-engaging professional. The only requirement is that attendees respect each other, the land, and all of its non-human inhabitants.  

The goals of this event are to forge connections, establish a support network, and work towards promoting diversity, equity, anti-racism, and inclusion in the regional botanical community. We will explore the 2,000+ acre sanctuary; learn from each other about plant ID and the different ways of interacting with and appreciating plants.  

For more information Queer Plant Convergence 2024 – The Norcross Wildlife Foundation