
(413) 245-1264


Opening Hours

Closed for the season.

Thank you for visiting our landing page! Please visit this page and scroll down to register for updates about QPC 2024.

Queer Plant Convergence is an annual weekend gathering which seeks to to bring together members of the regional LGBTQIA+ community who have a shared interest in wild plants and the environment. We welcome you whether you are newly plant-curious, wanting to start a career with plants, a passionate long-time plant lover, or a plant-engaging professional. The only requirement is that attendees respect each other, the land, and all of its non-human inhabitants.  

The goals of this event are to forge connections, establish a support network, and work towards promoting diversity, equity, anti-racism, and inclusion in the regional botanical community. We will explore the 2,000+ acre sanctuary; learn from each other about plant ID and the different ways of interacting with and appreciating plants.  

QPC 2024, our third annual meeting, will take place at Norcross Wildlife Foundation in what is now known as Wales, Massachusetts in August 2024.

IMG 7888 scaled
An image of a very lushly vegetated canal at Norcross in July