
(413) 245-1264


Opening Hours

Closed for the season.

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Join us for a hike to the beautiful Vineca Pond deep in the Sanctuary!
Observe a variety of habitats as we hike past the canal and dams on paths not typically available to the public.
This moderate hike is geared for adults, is at a moderate pace, and is approximately 3.5 miles long. 
Dress in appropriate clothing and footwear; be prepared for roots, rocks, and maybe even some mud!  
Dogs are not allowed.
Please meet at the Trailhead kiosk by 9:30 am to sign in.  
If there is inclement weather, please call 413-245-1353 to confirm that hike will be taking place.

Please wear blaze orange as a precaution as we will be in the woods during hunting season.


photo credit:  Dan Wilder