This event has been cancelled and will NOT be taking place on Saturday.
Join naturalist Dave Small and celebrate the arrival of spring as he discusses emerging Spring and early Summer Butterflies. Learn where to look for various butterflies, their life histories, and how to identify them.
Dave is president of the 260 member Athol Bird and nature Club and currently the Director of the Millers River Environmental Center. Dave shares his passion for birds, butterflies, dragonflies, herps, and most recently moths through workshops, lectures, and field trips around New England. He also volunteers for several non-profits including Millers River Watershed Council, Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust, Mass Watershed Coalition, and Mass Audubon’s Important Bird Area Technical Advisory Committee, National Moth Week Science Advisory Board, and the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Advisory Committee. Dave grew up living at the US Army Corps of Engineer’s Tully Dam in West Royalston, MA. which was managed by his father.
Registration is required for this event as seating is limited. Please call 413-245-1353 or email to register.