
(413) 245-1264


Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday 8:30 am-4:00 pm. Closed Holiday Weekends.

There is a new horticulturist and plant propagator at the Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary.  Dan Jaffe started in late April and will be taking care of the gardens of Norcross into the future.  Not only is Dan responsible for the gardens here, but he is also an accomplished photographer and recently published a book  “Native Plants for New England Gardens” with Mark Richardson of Tower Hill Botanical Garden.  Norcross is incredibly fortunate to have such a knowledgeable person to take over the work of the gardens.

Dan is a skilled plantsman, having worked at the Garden in the Woods in Framingham for the last 10 years.  There he worked with some of the more unusual plants, determining methods of propagation.  He managed the stock beds and was also a popular instructor for a wide variety of classes.   His knowledge of native plants is extensive, but one of his real interests is native edible plants.

Dan brought that interest to Norcross when he presented his program Wild Edibles, for Us and for Them to the public last Wednesday, July 17th at the Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary.  Reporter Gus Steeves, attend the program and published an article in the Sturbridge Villager newspaper.  Follow the link here to view the article about Dan’s program:   Sturbridge Villager 072619

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